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Marque: Sellier & Bellot

Munitions Sellier & Bellot FMJ calibre 9x19 mm 124grs boîte de 50

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MUNITIONS CAT. B Afin de valider votre commande, veuillez nous faire parvenir les documents suivants à l'adresse : Numéro SIA  Copie recto verso de votre pièce d’identité (CNI, passeport, en cours de validité)  Copie de votre licence FFTir (Détention de 1000 Munitions maximum /par arme , dans la limite d'achat de 3000 Munitions...

Prix 15,00 € TTC - 15,00 € HT
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Référence: SP500

Amorces CCI - par 100

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AFIN DE VALIDER VOTRE COMMANDE, VEUILLEZ NOUS FAIRE PARVENIR LES DOCUMENTS SUIVANTS À L'ADRESSE ADMIN@ERICGRAUFFEL.COM : Copie de votre licence FFT ou Permis de chasser (En cours de validité) Copie recto verso de votre pièce d’identité (CNI, passeport, en cours de validité)

Prix 8,29 € TTC - 8,29 € HT
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Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers
  • Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers
  • Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers
  • Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers
  • Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers

Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers

274,96 €

274,96 € HT
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Produit testé & utilisé par notre équipe


Expédié sous 24H


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With all the durability and longevity of a Mil-spec carrier but lighter by 2 oz., our stainless steel LMOS™ carriers are a perfect for any of the wide range of civilian machined receivers on the market. The reduced profile of the these carriers removes material to reduce weight but sacrifices none of the critical operating dimensions save for the forward assist serrations. Even then, these LMOS™ carriers still function equally well in military-style receivers with the exception of the forward, which already sees sparse competition or sporting use. The dust cover feature of such receivers is unaffected.

Beyond their design features, our stainless LMOS™ carriers come in one of two finish options. The stainless models undergo a vigorous polishing process to bring out the maximum of the steel's natural luster for an eye-catching component that wouldn't look out of place in a jeweler's cabinet. Alternately, our black models undergo a state-of-the-art, multi-vendor process known as QPQ (Quench-Polish-Quench) that results in a durable rock-hard surface with remarkable natural lubricity and sheen. 

To meet all needs, each of these models is available as a carrier alone, a complete bolt group, or a home builder bundle in combination with various billet receivers.

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Steel Low Mass Bolt Carriers

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